أخبار ساخنة

التحليل المكاني للمخابز وتباين دورها الإنتاجي في سد حاجة الاستهلاك المحلي بمدينة الزاوية 2000-2015م

 التحليل المكاني للمخابز وتباين دورها الإنتاجي 
في سد حاجة الاستهلاك المحلي 
بمدينة الزاوية 2000-2015م

قدمت هذه الرسالة 
استكمالاً لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة الإجازة العالية "الماجستير" في الجغرافيا من قسم الجغرافيا بمركز البحوث والدراسات العليا - جامعة الزاوية

إعداد الطالب:

أسامة مسعود الفيتوري خدير


الأستاذ الدكتور

محمد سالم ضو

العام 2020م


  The study dealt with the issue of bakeries in Zawia from the geographical point of view. This is because bread is one of the most sensitive food industries in Libya, due to the great importance it represents to the population, as it is the main component of their daily lunch, regardless of its various forms and varieties.

   Whereas the produced bread is not sufficient to meet the daily consumption needs of the city’s population, and it is tended daily to such an extent that it is cut off sometimes and cannot be obtained on some occasions, such as holidays and electrical network faults. The problem of the study revolves around answering the following questions:

1- Do the natural and human factors affect the choice of bakeries and the consumption of their production in the study area?

2- How is the geographical distribution of the bakeries in the study area?

3- Is the responsible for the lack of bakery production in Zawia city the increasing consumer demand resulting from the increase in population and the difference in price policy

4- What are the difficulties encountered in making bread in the study area?

5- Is the energy factor considered one of the obstacles to bread making in the city?

Second: its hypotheses

1- There are many factors that have contributed to the variation in the distribution of bakeries in Zawia.

2- There is a set of patterns through which bakeries are geographically distributed.


3- The production of bakeries does not cover the market need due to the increase in population.

4- Raw materials and labor negatively affected the production of bakeries in Zawia.

5-The change in electric current and the interruption of bread industry production in the city affect.

Its objectives:

  The study aims to achieve the following:

1- Determine the spatial distribution of bakeries in Al-Zawiya.

2- Highlighting the reasons behind the shortage of bread commodities in the city.

3- To show the extent of the link between the bread industry and the surplus direct consumption of agricultural crops, wheat and barley, in the Zawiya and its adjacent areas.

Its importance:

  The importance of the study is that despite the establishment of many bakeries and their spread in the residential neighborhoods of the city, their production did not meet the needs of the consumer market in the city. Also, the topic has not previously been studied in any scientific or research body, as well as to know the bakeries in charge of actual production and to determine their production conditions.

Its fields:

1- Spatial field: The study included all bakeries in Al Zawiya city

according to their administrative boundaries for the year 2020 and the list of actual production.

2- The temporal field: the study deals with the spatial analysis of bakeries and the variation of their role in production during the period from 2000 to 2015, but the actual period of the field study took place during the months of November and December 2018

Its methodology:

  The study was based on the descriptive, analytical and historical methodology of the existing bakeries in actual production.

Its methodology:

  The study is based on the descriptive, analytical and historical methodology of the bakeries that are based on actual production.

Its tool:

  The study relied on a data collection tool, which is the personal interview of the bakery owners and took the information to be collected, in addition to books, scientific letters and official reports related to the subject of the study. Geographic information systems were also used in GIS to determine the location of the bakeries operating in the actual production in the city.


  For ease of obtaining organized and sequential results, the researcher saw the possibility of dividing the subject of the study into five main chapters, where the first chapter dealt with the theoretical framework of the study including the problem of the study, its hypotheses, objectives, importance, areas of its methodology, tools, structure, concepts and terminology, previous studies.

  The second chapter was devoted to studying the natural and human factors affecting bread making in Zawia. The third chapter also explained the geographical distribution of bakeries in Zawiya. The fourth chapter shows the consumption of bakery production. While the fifth chapter findings of the study were presented, including the following :

1- The results of the study showed that 75% of the bakery production in the city is concentrated on regular bread.

2- The results of the study indicated that 70% of the bakeries are randomly distributed within the city.

3- The study proved that 40% of bakeries suffer from a shortage of raw materials, especially flour.

4- The results of the study confirmed that the bakery production in the city does not cover the local market's need for bread. Due to the increased consumption in the city and its surrounding areas.

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