Brian Knapp
Leighton Park School, Reading
Boston Sydney Wellington
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002.
Although the science of hydrology has held a firm place in higher education and industry for many years, it has only recently found a formal place in the ‘A’ level syllabuses. With the upsurge of interest in water resources in particular, some aspects of hydrology have become more widely known. Nevertheless the central role that hydrology plays in a number of subjects, such as geomorphology and pedology, has been less effectively publicised. As a result, the purpose of this book is not only to introduce the theory of hydrology, but also to demonstrate its relevance in the real world by relying on detailed and wide-ranging specific examples. The book has been planned in the hope that it will be available to students for the whole of their ‘A’ level courses. As such the first two chapters provide, as well as hydrological theory, an adjunct to a more conventional geomorphology text. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 build on the foundation of the early part of the book but are largely independent of one another and can be used in conjunction with books on pedology, slope formation and resource development. For these later chapters it is expected that the student will already have some basic knowledge and will use the material included in this book to give a hydrological slant to their further studies. To help students consolidate their understanding of hydrology, there are selected problems at the end of most chapters. However, these problems are not repetitions of examples in the chapters and are to be seen as integral advances in each topic. The nature of the data is such that it may be analysed at a variety of levels. Students taking courses at more advanced levels can use the examples with the confidence that they represent ‘the state of the art’ in each topic. I have been particularly conscious of the need to provide up-to-date examples wherever possible and to reflect current thoughts in the subject. As in many rapidly advancing disciplines, not everyone will agree on each point of detail and the responsibility for particular viewpoints, omissions and the arrangement of the work is my own.
B.J.K. Woodley 1979.